Utilities: Electrical

The utility company will ask to bring the power meter all the way to your house. If your driveway will require a pole or more, you will need to give an easement to “Verizon” or any company that will install the pole on your property.

What ever you do, DON’T GIVE EASEMENT TO ANY SERVICE COMPANY TO YOUR PROPERTY. There are many ways to get it done and this is not the best way. Easements devalue real property.

The first thing to do:

Get a temporary electrical power service to your property and install the necessary stuff at the entrance of the property, where the power company will not need to add a pole to reach you power distribution terminals.

What you will need:

  • 200 AMP minimum meter socket with bypass
  • 200 AMP main Power disconnect
  • Breaker panel
  • A power outlet

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